Pentecost (Pinksteren), Whit Sunday or known in Dutch as Eerste Pinksterdag, is an important Christian Holiday in The Netherlands. It is is seven weeks after Easter Sunday which commemorates the Holy Spirit's descent from heaven onto Jesus' followers. It is generally a normal spring
Sunday and a popular time for outdoor music festivals, short breaks and
longer vacations.
This long vacation is also time to relax and to do some recreational activities. For us, we were invited by our Suriname neighbour to join on his 55th birthday celebration. But on the same day, father of Dennis was also invited us to watch a theatrical show here in Almere. Thus, we decided to stay at the party for only 2 hours and went directly to the show. The show was free for all the volunteers here in Almere and Dennis' father was one of the volunteers. He got four free tickets for the show and gave it to me, Dennis and a close friend of him.
The theatrical show was played by a group, Vis à Vis and the title of the show was 'Hart'. It was a dramatic and comedy love story in a bizarre outdoor environment. They used ingenious style for their equipments and props. Mostly in the theatre, you would find some luxurious paraphernalia but Vis a Vis used things that you could find in the garbage can. The setting of the show was an afvalscheidingsstation/waste separation station where people brought their trash there and separate the components of the waste based on their materials. The acting of the characters and the effects were really amazing and also the sophisticated musical arrangements that make up the evening a real cinematic experience. I had fun watching it! Even there were some parts of it that I didn't understand because my Dutch was not yet enough. But still, thanks for Dennis for translating it for me and the act that helped me to understand the whole picture of the story. This was also my first Dutch Theatrical show and I would never forget this spectacular show.
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