Sunday, October 16, 2011


"Some hobbies and interests being the same is always a plus because you have something that you can both participate in and enjoy together."
When I read this text, it makes me discerned that me and Dennis have a lots of similarity in terms of hobbies and interests, one of these is watching movies.We do really love this hobby though we have different taste in genres of movies. He likes action movies, I like more romantic comedy movies. But still, we enjoy being together while sitting in the front of a big, flat screen, watching movie we like and eating some chips or cookies. It's so relaxing and sometimes, it helps you to understand yourself better and realize what objectives in life you have.

But I have a question in my mind, if watching movie is considered as a hobby. It wonders me and try to look for the answer of this question. When you search for the meaning of 'hobby', it is a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure, typically done during one's leisure time, as said by Wikipedia. I saw also some forums tackling this matter and read  their own opinions about this subject, they say, it is a hobby but others say it's not. Whatever reasons they have, let just respect each other opinions and viewpoints because everybody have freedom to share his/her opinion and what their borders in considering the activity as a hobby. So, for my point of view, I consider watching movie as a hobby because we mostly do it everyday after our dinner and we are very fond to watch different movies together. It's so simple but it may temporarily forget our problems and brings us happiness and fun. Besides that, you can learn from it and may apply in your everyday lives. 


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