Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcome to Ttif!

When I arrived here in Holland, Dennis started to look for school which could give best teaching in Dutch Language Course. He was searching on the Internet and find some information regarding about this. We also heard from the Gemeente what school  here in Almere could offered nice course. The woman in the Gemeente told us that she heard some good points about the Ttif Company. So we decided to make appointment with Ttif Company. We scheduled today at 2pm and assigned to talk with Monique. All the information we needed to know were all supplied by Monique. She was so approachable and charming. She made sure that we felt comfortable in our conversation with her. She told us that in order for me to know what level I am in Dutch Language, I should take their Intake Gesprek, an exam would take for three hours, so they would know what group I should belong and it would cost 250 for this exam (It's quite expensive!). We were thinking that it was not necessary for me to take this coz we were the one who would pay for my own course unlike before and it was not reasonable in paying more just for this. So Monique asked their boss what possible solution for this and what they could offer for me. It seemed like they were taking at risk as well as to me if they would place me directly to the NT2 group.You should have at least A2 level when you were going to take NT2 and they didn't know what level I am now. She advised us that they could put me in beginner's group where most were A1 going to A2 level and later on, they could transfer me into higher level if ever I could quickly adjust to the lessons. We agreed with that instead of  spending money for Intake Gesprek. Thus, we filled up the form and paid later for the course which cost 780 for three months. Monique also recommended to me that I could join on Brunhilde's class (A1 level) starting on Monday at 9-12 o'clock in the morning. She gave me a copy of their book wherein I could start studying by myself and easily adjust on their lessons.


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