When I heard from Dennis that he had 'three hairy daughters', I felt little bit confused. I didn´t know if I would like to have a relationship with a man who already had three children. But when I repeated to say "Three Hairy Daughters???",then he was talking about his three cats not real persons. Funny! I misunderstood him. ahaha :D He treated them like his own children. It was nice that he had cats that they would accompany him and never felt being alone. I loved cats too. Thus, I adopted them and treated them as my own daughters.
Dennis had first Noah and Shiva month later after they born. They born in year of 2003 and they are sisters. Noah is so sweet and always come to you while Shiva likes more to be alone, lie down on the corner and most of the time, she doesn't care but when their food is almost op, she comes to you and ask for it.
The last one and oldest was Angel who was already between one or two years old when Dennis got her. She was born in the year of 2001. She is the most sweetest cat among the three. She always come to you and sit on your legs. Every morning, she go upstairs just to say her own version of Good Morning, "Meoww".You can do everything to her without being mad on you except when you hurt her, as well as to Noah and Shiva. I hope they would have long lives with us.
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