Saturday, June 30, 2012


After an enjoyable BBQ party last year, we ( with Dennis' colleagues and their wives) decided to have another one this year . But this time around, his big boss was the one who handled the party. It was hold today in the vacation house of his big boss in Strand Horst, Elmelo. I was excited to go because I heard that aside from cooking and eating barbeque, we would going to do 'parasailing'.

It was my first time to do parasailing and we were lucky to have nice weather today. It is an exciting and enjoyable activity where a person is towed behind a boat while attached to a parachute, known as a parasail wing. Firstly, I was so excited but  nervous to do it because you will fly almost 100 meters. I couldn't explain my feeling when I was starting to fly. I felt relax but scared also maybe because of the height. But I tried to enjoy the scenery and it seemed that you were a bird flying in the sky. It was fantastic experience that I would never forget in  my whole life. To add more information, we used the service of Parsailing Nederland. 




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