Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter (Pasen) in The Netherlands

Easter eggs (Paasei) and easter bunny (Paashaas) made of chocolate, newly hatched chicks, spring flowers, newborn lamb, Easter fire(Paasvuren) and Paasstuk/Paastakken. These are some symbols that you can find here in the Netherlands for the Easter Sunday(Eerste paasdag) and Easter Monday (Tweede paasdag). This Two-Day Holiday is a festive, family orientated days in the Netherlands. People prepare festive breakfasts, brunches or lunches. They may also search for and eat chocolate eggs that are supposedly delivered by the Easter bunny. It is not associated with a specific religious ritual, but is a time to relax, perform household tasks and enjoy the company of family or friends.

Easter eggs (Paaseieren). Families with children may decorate boiled eggs and hide boiled or chocolate eggs around the house or garden.Children will search all the eggs and the winner will received often a large chocolate model of a bunny or a basket of Easter treats.

Easter Bunny (Paashaas). Children are told that these eggs have been delivered and/or hidden by the mythical Easter hare (paashaas).

New leaves, spring flowers, birds, particularly chickens and chicks, and lambs or other newborn animals are also symbols of Easter. These represent the "rebirth" of nature as winter ends and spring begins. In addition, lambs represent the sacrifice made by Jesus.

Easter fires(Paasvuren) represent leaving the old season and year behind and beginning a new one in a tidy and orderly way. These are held in rural areas in the northern and eastern parts of the Netherlands.

Paastakken and Paasstukken. The table is decorated with the freshly painted Easter eggs, candles, spring flowers like daffodils, tulips and hyacinths, and a vase with decorated willow branches (paastakken).

Many people prepare an Easter breakfast, brunch or lunch with a range of seasonal and luxurious foods to share with family members, friends or neighbors. The brunch consists of a Paasstol (a fruited Easter loaf with a center of soft almond paste), butter shaped like a lamb or bunny, bread rolls, hard boiled eggs, smoked salmon, smoked eel, and other more typical Dutch breakfast items.



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