Friday, July 22, 2011


When I came back here in the Netherlands, I also received my OV-chipkaart. or Openbaar Vervoer chipkaart in Dutch. The Gemeente offered discount for this card  that´s why Dennis had chance to get it for me.  According to wikipedia, the OV-chipkaart is a contactless smart card system which is in the process of being introduced on all public transport in the Netherlands, including train, metro, tram and bus. It allows the combination of card integration (the same card is used for multiple transport companies) and price differentiation (by company, time of day, day of the week, etc.), and is intended to reduce fare avoidance. It  replaces the strippenkaart, the traditional ticketing for local public transportation. . But when you travel  with this card, you need to check in  on the card readers located by the doors when you enter on the vehicle and check out  before you leave.

The OV-chipkaart is a cooperative initiative of five large public-transport operators: NS (railways), Connexxion (buses), RET (Rotterdam), GVB (Amsterdam), and HTM (The Hague). So, instead of falling in line on the busy counter just to buy a ticket for ride in a bus or train, you can save time using this card  especially when you are in hurry. 


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